Saturday, June 20, 2009

DJ Dara just melted my fucking face off

We saw DJ Dara last night. He's a really really amazing drum 'n bass DJ who totally owns and melts faces with his wicked sick beats and dope as fuck drops. Yeah, I would marry the man. He spun at the Works, along with DJ Bone (who was totally ownage) Jesse James and some other dudes who made house music. It was very awesome, and very fun. $20 cover, but worth every second. Also worth it because Adrian got totally fucked up and we had to almost carry her out. We ended up getting high and watching To Catch a Predator on the couch. Again. This is becoming a bad habit, but bad habits are fun.

Some stupid shit went down this week, I'm pretty emotionally exhausted. I know I've either shrugged off or been rude to some people, but I still love you all. Even though only maybe like, one or two people actually read this thing. Soon I will be back to normal Motz and all will be well in the world.

bon voyage my mates!!

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